Swoosh is a curved shape that is used as symbol representing the name of a company or product. The word was originally used for the symbol of the Nike company. Within three centuries the early People used symbol just to represent their beliefs and communicate with one another in times of persecution. And because symbol could be easily explained and understood. In 1971 a young Oregon design student create a logo (Nike) for the NIke CEO. And Nike became popular.When people saw the symbol of Nike, they all know what products are these. From the successful of Nike, in today, more and more company follow Nike to do it. Many and many of them are succeed, such as, Benz,Pesi, and so on. Symbol is at first for the religious icon and develope into an advertising for a company into people's brain. And make people easy to remember the products of the company. Symbol also a culture in every century.
Question1:Why company likes to use a symbol for his company?
Question2: Do you think if Nike Swoosh can change their symbol? Why?